Saturday, January 12, 2013


Mija is my uncles dog, she's like having another kid in the house she's so much work! She is also an adventure!

Brynne, Newell and Mom put Brynnes bathrobe on Mijah. It was really funny to see her walking around the house in it.

 Mijah got a little offended when we started using a spray bottle to train her not to bark excessively in the house.
 I like to get pictures of Mijah sleeping.

 These are some pictures of Mijah trying to figure out how to get to some cats on the other side of the fence. She is a pure bred Walker Hound, so she's made to hunts/tree raccoon's.
 Mijah got her paws on the top of the fence and held it long enough for me to get a couple pictures.

Mijah will howl when one of us plays our instrument  She does it especially with the violins.

The Talented Berry Kids

None of would be able to any of this without my moms patience everyday. (I don't have that much patience).

 Newell plays the trombone.

 Juliette plays violin.
  Brynne plays the cello.

 Me, in my uniform (my siblings and I go to Caprock Academy, and have to wear uniforms)
I play the violin like Juliette, (we all started on the violin, but I stayed on that instrument).
 Juliette started gymnastics.

 I told her to strike a pose will she was walking to the next area, what a goofball!

Everyday life

One of the things Santa Claus brought on Christmas was a trampoline!

We get all bundled up, its pretty funny to see all of us out there in our P.J.s, bathrobes, hats, gloves and slippers.
You can also see Mijah, my uncles dog (we were babysitting her) on there with us, she insisted on it!

Driving home

We drove home the next day, 8 hours there, 8 hours back!


Christmas vacation day 2

The 2nd day of our Christmas vacation we spent the whole day at The Discovery Museum. My camera ran out of battery's really early in the day, which explains why there are a lot less pictures.

 This is a miniature airplane, The Discovery Museum also included a whole security replica and baggage drop off/ pick up.

 My brother Newell is playing with  the bubbles. (Newell is the closest to my age so he is usually the one I get the most pictures of)

This is the last picture I managed to take before the battery ran out. Brynne and Juliette are all dressed up and on stage ready to participate in a fun dance competition. Brynne is in the middle of introducing herself.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas 2012

We spent Christmas vacation at my grandparents home in Las Vegas!

       This is my grandma, we call her Oma (grandma in German)

We visited the Spring Preserve.

 This was a jumping scale based on how far animals jump.

 Brynne, Juliette, and Newell pose for the camera.

These were little "sight bubbles" located in one of the bunny habitats.

We watched a Wild Las Vegas video.

 There was a section of the Springs Preserve were you could put together the front of a foam house.
 We went to an amazingly lite up semi-amusement park called the Enchanted Forest later that night (sadly,the pictures are not in the right order).

 My uncle Zach striking a pose.

 This was the biggest Christmas tree I have ever seen in my life! (its bigger then it looks)

This was an attempt to copy the effect of sledding.

We rode on a train ride called the Forest Express (some of the pictures I took were taken on the train and are a little blurry).

 I got a little of Brynne in with the Cinderella couch.

 The last thing we did was miniature golf before heading home.